Tuesday, April 7, 2009

HanRam: Big Opener

What a start for a few who picked Hanley Ramirez(Leonard, DaKrauss, Plymale). He went yard and added 5 RBIs. To give you rookies an idea of how big that is...last year if you averaged 5 RBIs per week, you would have taken home 1st place for the year. So, huge start for you 3, now the rest of us can only hope for a strained abdominal for him today.

Also, an FYI, a new rookie joined late yesterday after I sent the picks out. Shawn Herlihy picked Jason Bay.

So that brings this years total # of Racers to an all-time high of 41, with 17 of them competing for Rookie of the Year(which earns you nothing, except for a sweet title).

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