Thursday, June 9, 2011

Guest Blogger - Joe Kapcar

Hello fellow sport fans. This is guest blogger Joe Kapcar . I want to congratulate my Delphos St. Johns Blue Jays on making it to the state semi finals in high school boys baseball. Yet again, DSJ has
proven its self a dominate force in high school sports.

My last comment is it comment on the outstanding performance that Jessica Ceritelli is displaying with a batting average of .295, 14 homeruns, and 37 RBIs. She will be shortly changing her last name to Kapcar, because we will be getting married on June 11, followed with a trip to the Grand Caymans to drink, relax, and drink. Thanks to all of our friends who be attending the wedding and we look forward to celebrating with you.

Before I forget, there is a HUGE sweater vest sale, here in Columbus, along with cheap cars.

Good luck and GO NOTRE DAME


**Commish Note - The views of Kappy do not reflect those of RTTC....any and all guest bloggers are welcome at any time..just send your write up to the email**

1 comment:

  1. I heard Joe was the one changing his last name????? Congrats you two!
